Fungus nails: symptoms, treatment

Among the poor, different diseases that are not life-threatening, but deliver serious inconvenience. Onychomycosis representative fungal diseases. It affects the nail plate, completely ruining them. Wet, warm environment ideal for the propagation. The symptoms of fungal nails are often hidden, but in the end, the disease can be detected already in the run form.

foot fungus

Main mycoses

The nails affected by various fungal infections. The most common dermatophytes. Red Trichophyton affect the skin, the hands and the feet. The main symptoms — spots on a yellow or white color nail plate. Gradually the area of infection grows, changing the color of the entire nail, and starts to move away from the bed. In severe cases, this will lead to a fungus which affects the skin.

Trichophyton Mentagrophytes fingers starting area, then move over. Looks like a yellow or white spot, which transformirovalsya in the subungual hyperkeratosis. The disease usually only affects the thumb or the fingers. The pathogen actively multiplies in the warm season.

Much less common Trichophyton purple. This is more common in the far East, and Central Asia. Affects the scalp and is known as the ringworm. If not treated, the nails dark bumps.

The fungus under the nail and is caused by the yeast infection fungi. Pathogens — Candida white Candida parapsilosis. The disease usually appears in the background of the existing onychomycosis.

The main signs of yeast -like fungi:

  • white spots on the skin, which eventually becomes grey;
  • the inflammation of the cuticle;
  • purulent discharge.

These symptoms bring pain. Often yeast -like fungi will be a professional disease develops, the individual's constant contact with water. In the absence of timely treatment, the nail plate thinning as well as moving away from the bed.

Rarely, mold. The first is similar to the symptoms of Candida and usually occur after injury to the thumb, and the second color of nail with the black points.

fungus treatment

Classification of fungal infections

Signs of nail fungus are varied. They depend on the form of the severity of the disease. Some doctors share of the fungal infection, the localization and penetration depth:

  1. When the distal form is affected by the surface free edge, the disc color will change to brown or yellow. Eventually the area affected area increases, the structure of the nail has changed to a rough, uneven.
  2. The side form is manifested in a similar way, only the affected side of the nail.
  3. When the proximal form, the infection begins in the cuticle. The skin roller cover white spot, which is becoming more. The surface becomes cloudy and loses its luster, in severe cases, collapsing.

Some doctors prefer to classify the disease based on the extent of the thickening of the nail. Normal nutritional in the form, still does not change the size, but the visible foci of the disease. The hypertrophic is overgrowth of skin, which leads to the thickening of the nail and discomfort when walking. Atrophic form leads to total rejection of the nail plate.

The complexity of treatment, fungal nail, that in most cases the disease is detected at an advanced stage, when atrophy occurs. The first signs of infection — spots or streaks in the nail plate. Not cause discomfort, which people do not pay attention to the problem of the time.

Typical symptoms

To determine the fungal nail, it's very simple: the disc will appear colored spots, it may be distorted, the c, and to move away from the bed. If the disease side to increase the red, and peel. Certain forms accompanied by a rash in the fingers region.

Another characteristic symptom is the burning, itching. Leather side cushions thickens and starts to peel off, after which irritation occurs. Scratching only intensifies, it's a very unpleasant feeling.

The first sign of the nail fungus of the feet, not just change the color of the disk, but the loss of Shine. It will be cloudy, the progression of the disease becomes gray. When you want to actively ruptures, breaks, time, it becomes increasingly difficult to do. Often the process is accompanied by unpleasant smell. In severe cases the entire nail plate thickened, making it impossible to cut.

Pain is rare. They may appear due to the fact that the disk thickens and begins to RUB against the shoes to be unpleasant. In some cases, the pressure on the affected area provokes an ingrown nail on the side track can.

Due to the spread of the spores of the soft tissues disrupted nerve endings. They can provoke paroxysmal pain, which, even in moments of rest. The severe form of the fungus affected area between the toes. Rash in the form of small bubbles, which the skin, if broken, the ulcer can develop, delivering serious discomfort when walking.



To confirm the diagnosis, be sure to conduct laboratory diagnostics. Only this gives you the ability to accurately determine the root cause and allows you to select an effective treatment. Complex therapy includes products for outdoor and indoor use. Ointment applied to clean, dry area.

The choice depends on the underlying cause. The duration of the course is chosen individually, but usually lasts two months. Medical treatment should be continued even after symptoms appear, they disappear.

Make sure the preparations are taken orally. These are designed to destroy the spores of the fungus. During the treatment the patient should regularly see a doctor to be examined. This will determine the effectiveness of treatment.

In rare cases, surgical removal of the affected nail. This method does not eliminate contamination, so the new drive is also affected by the fungal infection. Pedicure — a more elegant technique that painlessly remove the stratum corneum. Cleaning is carried out once in two weeks to completely remove the affected layers.